Build on trust

Our community is build on trust but Yoosit can not 100% guarantee that all users are trustworthy. It is vital, for your own safety and security, to make absolutely sure that the person you are in communication with, is as trustworthy as possible. Yoosit is not responsible for vetting any user so it’s your responsibility to make sure you get all the info possible before sharing any of your properties. Yoosit can only give advice on how to build trust. Here are some points that may help:

    1. Check reviews of users on Yoosit, other reviews somewhere else like eBay, TripAdvisor, AirBNB and such.
    2. Be friends on facebook or Linkedin for a short time and check the person’s profile.
    3. Exchange private phone numbers and call/facetime/skype/Whatsapp/Email each other.
    4. Find things you have in common: travel; work; free time and class.
    5. Exchange more stories, pictures and videos. Maybe you are connected to each other on an unknown level.
    6. Make sure as a Host, your receive part of the agreed amounts upfront.
    7. Exchange your ID’s privately for a user verification.
    8. Make sure you insure your properties before sharing. Insurance companies are insuring more and more properties listed on share platforms.